Luke's Pets couldn't exist without the support of my family and the people who help me.


The love and support provided every day by my wife Cat is more than I deserve. She is the best and I couldn't be luckier!


My family had a lot of influence as to where we are today. The help particularly from my grandmother Pauline was essential for Luke's Pets to exist, for us to have a home, I couldn't be more grateful.


Other support in the form of technical from Les, advice from Andy and all the companies that went above and beyond when I was starting the business like Ad Signs has been instrumental in the success of the business.

You'll quite often see some of these lovely people out walking with me and they have all made their own bonds with the dogs.

I'm also proud to be part of a community of local pet service providers who, in very much the most part, work together and help each other, recommend each other for services they cannot cover at a given time, choosing a symbiotic relationship over competition. I've made some lovely friends and I respect these other businesses highly.


Finally, thank you to my amazing customers and their awesome pets. Your support is appreciated more than you could possibly know. I love you all!